Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rex and Dan

These two men are very good friends. I love to watch the way their faces light up when they see each other at the center. I was also able to see the sadness and disappointment they had when one of them was not able to come to the center, because of doctor's appointments or something like that. They taught me how important it is to have social interaction even into your later years. Dan would always go around to all the men at the center and shake their hands. He loved to pat everyone on the back, and always had such a big smile when he saw someone he knew. Dan had a stroke a few years ago, and has a lot of trouble speaking and coming up with certain words. Rex would take his time in trying to understand what Dan was trying to say, and help him get out words that seemed to get stuck. It was so cute to watch them going around from activity to activity always saving seats for one another, and cheering each other on.

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